How Much Sunlight Do Pine Trees Need? 5 Planting Tips!

On account of both their longevity and the wide variety of species there are to choose from, pine trees are a popular landscaping choice for many homeowners. They’re useful for not only adding shade and windbreaks, but can also help the local ecosystem by adding food and shelter for wild birds and small mammals. That being said, before adding one or more of these trees to your own space it’s important to understand their care needs.
It’s crucial to know how much sunlight pine trees need to grow and thrive. Most pine trees need six or more hours of direct sunlight a day in order to remain healthy. Make sure to plant new pine trees in an area of your yard that won’t be overcast by shade for the majority of the day.
In this article, we’ll go over the importance of sunlight for pine trees, and also share some tips for watering and fertilizing your pine trees. Let’s get to it!
Why Is Sunlight So Important For Pine Trees?
First things first – pine trees, like all plants, need sunlight in order to thrive. If they don’t receive sufficient sunlight, these trees will not grow as well.
While there are some species of conifers that can grow in partial shade or become acclimatized to partially shady conditions with careful care, the majority of pine tree species prefer growing in full sun (some exceptions to this include the Eastern White and Mugo species, which have evolved in such a way that they are actually more suited for shady environments).
Because of this, when planting a pine tree you should do your best to place it in a location where it will get plenty of sunlight; pine trees planted in locations that don’t receive enough sunlight will not grow as well or be as healthy as they otherwise could be.
In fact, it’s not unheard of for pine trees to wither and turn brown if they don’t receive enough sunlight, which makes the proper placement of your pine tree incredibly important.
Basic Pine Tree Requirements
The specifics of pine tree care can vary somewhat depending on which conifer species you select, but even so, there are some consistencies across the board that you should be aware of if you’re planning to have pine trees of your own.
Pine Tree’s Require 6 Hours Of Direct Sunlight
Because pine trees are so reliant on sunlight to reach their full potential, it’s important to ensure that they receive plenty of it during the day.
Generally speaking, a pine tree should be planted in full sun. This means that your pine tree should receive a minimum of six hours of direct unfiltered sunlight a day.
As discussed earlier, certain species of pine trees are capable of growing in partially shady conditions with fewer hours of direct sunlight, but, you should definitely do additional research if this is something you might attempt.
Pine Trees Need A Lot Of Water
Pine trees, like most evergreens, need a fairly substantial amount of water in order to survive.
Pine trees that don’t receive sufficient water will usually experience reduced levels of growth, and while some species of pine trees have adapted over time to be more drought-tolerant, a long period of time without enough water can have long-term detrimental effects on your trees.
Pine trees should even be watered in winter to help them grow their best!
Because while pine trees can survive periods of drought, extended periods without sufficient water will cause physical stress for the tree, which in turn can leave it susceptible to certain plant diseases and pests (something we will discuss further a little later on).
Therefore, it’s definitely better to make sure any pine trees in your care receive enough water.
The general rule of thumb for watering pine trees is that they typically need to receive ten gallons of water for every inch of diameter in order to achieve healthy growth.
That being said, there is more to keeping a pine tree alive and in optimum condition than simply knowing how much water to give it; it’s also important to know when you should be watering your pine tree.
Luckily, we have some tips later on in the article that can help you better understand how often to water your pine trees and how to adjust your watering schedule when necessary.
Pine Trees Grow Fuller With Fertilizer
While pine trees don’t necessarily need as much assistance getting nutrients in comparison to other varieties of trees (most species are fairly adaptable when it comes to the soil they grow in), fertilizing them periodically is definitely still a good idea if you want them to reach optimum growth potential.
The use of fertilizer has not yet been proven to increase the actual photosynthetic rate of pine trees, but it has been observed that pine trees often exhibit better and fuller growth when fertilizer is used.
Generally speaking, it’s recommended that when fertilizing pine trees you do so according to their size. Specifically, it is suggested that you use anywhere from one to two pounds of fertilizer for every inch of the tree’s diameter.
That being said, always follow the instructions and recommendations that come with the fertilizer of your choice, and always consult the product information first so that you don’t run the risk of using too much fertilizer on your trees.
It’s also important to understand when to use fertilizers on your pine trees and when not to, which is something we will discuss more in-depth momentarily.
Planting Tips For Pine Trees

When planting pine trees it’s generally best to place them in fertile soil with good drainage.
That being said, there are many different species of pine trees (some of which are capable of growing in a wide variety of soil types) so make sure to research what variety of pine tree is best suited for the area you live in.
Of course, there’s more to successfully growing a pine tree than simply planting it in the ground, which is why we’re now going to discuss other important factors to keep in mind when dealing with conifers.
Plant Your Pine In An Area With Light
As we previously discussed, it’s important to plant your pine trees in areas that get plenty of light in order for them to grow healthy and strong.
As stated earlier, a pine tree should be planted in full sun (meaning that your tree should receive a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight every day).
This means that you should also take care to not plant a pine tree too closely to other trees, both mature trees and saplings.
Keeping your pine trees adequately spaced out from other trees will help prevent competition for both sunlight and nutrients.
Make Sure You Water And Fertilize Your Pine As Needed
Many people often wonder how much water pine trees need and whether or not they should use fertilizer.
If these are questions that you also have, don’t worry! We have some tips to help you better meet the needs of your pine tree when it comes to watering and using fertilizer.
Watering New Pine Trees
When you first plant your new pine tree, you will want to water it frequently in order to help it develop a healthy root system; it’s generally recommended to water every day for the first few weeks.
After those first few weeks, you can ease up on the watering schedule slightly and water every three or so days instead (it’s generally advisable to keep up this second watering schedule for about three months, to give the tree sufficient time to acclimatized to the new conditions and continue expanding its root system).
Once your pine tree has had time to settle in, checking to see if it needs water is very straightforward: simply check the soil around it.
The soil should be damp or moist about an inch or two into the ground around the tree; if the soil is dry it’s a sign that your pine tree probably needs to be watered.
Mature Pine Trees Need Less Water
That being said, mature pine trees that are already well established don’t usually need to be as carefully monitored when it comes to watering, so once your tree has developed a healthy root structure and fully settled in you shouldn’t need to worry as much about frequent watering, especially if you live in an area that receives consistent rainfall (do make sure to periodically check the soil, however, and water your pine if it needs it, especially in the hot and dry season.)
Alternatively, you can set up a drip irrigation system to provide your pine trees with a consistent supply of water. Products such as mulch can also be used to help to retain moisture in the soil.
And a good watering schedule or system can, of course, be supplemented with the use of fertilizer if you’d like to give your pine trees a little extra boost.
Here’s our full pine tree timeline if you’re interested in learning more about what stage your tree is at!
Make Sure To Fertilize Your Pine Trees
As mentioned above, fertilizer can be very beneficial when it comes to encouraging growth in your pine trees.
That being said, while fertilization in general can help your trees to develop more robust foliage as they grow, giving them a fuller and healthier appearance, it’s generally not recommended to fertilize during the first year after planting.
You May Not Need To Fertilize Your Pine Tree After The First Year
Once that first year has passed, it’s advised to fertilize your pine tree once a year as needed, with the recommended time of year being spring, since this is when the tree will naturally be experiencing the most growth.
Evergreen trees such as pines can benefit from the use of fertilizer at key times of the year, such as spring.
Products such as TreeHelp Premium Fertilizer for Pine and Down To Earth Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Mix 4-2-4 can be very effective when it comes to successfully fertilizing your pine trees and encouraging above-ground growth.
It’s important to note, however, that fertilizer should not be applied too late in the year, since new growth needs time to acclimatize and harden before colder fall and winter temperatures set in.
Protect Your Pine Tree From Storms

Once your tree reaches full maturity, it will likely be capable of withstanding most storms without additional assistance, however when you first put a young seedling or sapling into the ground it’s important to take the necessary steps to keep it safe during inclement weather conditions (particularly if strong winds are involved.)
Planting trees when they are young and small can help with this, since getting them in the ground when they’re young gives them a chance to develop a strong root system underneath the soil that will help prevent them from getting blown over.
Planting your pine tree in a location with plenty of space is also key; it allows the root system to spread out further and gives the tree a more secure base.
Removing tree stakes as soon as possible once the tree is capable of standing on its own can also be beneficial, because allowing the tree to grow on its own and adapt to the flow of the wind without relying on stakes for external support can actually help strengthen the trunk over time.
Protect Your Pine Tree From Pests
It’s also important to protect your pine tree from harmful pests that might damage it.
Generally speaking, one of the the most important (and easiest) ways of protecting your pine tree from pests is to make sure it is receiving optimum care.
Making sure that your tree gets enough sun, water, and nutrients will ensure that the tree is not subjected to undue amounts of stress.
Stress can weaken a tree’s overall condition and leave it more vulnerable to both affilictions and pests, so keeping your tree happy and healthy is of critical importance.
Common Pine Tree Problems (And How To Fix Them)
Like with all plants, sometimes your pine trees will begin to do poorly and you’ll have no idea why. In order to help you prepare for these potential issues, we’ve listed here some common pine tree problems and how to resolve them.
Lack Of Sunlight
As you may have realized by now, it’s very important for pine trees to get plenty of sunlight. A pine tree that does not get enough sunlight can begin to wilt, droop, or even start to turn brown.
The easiest way to solve this particular problem is to be sure your pine tree will be receiving enough sunlight before you plant it in the ground. Before planting a pine tree sapling, watch the intended location for a few days to be sure it receives at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.
Alternatively, if you only realize that a lack of sunlight is a problem after planting, you can either remove whatever is obstructing the sunlight (such as other trees or shrubs that are overshadowing your pine tree) or relocate the pine tree sapling itself to a better location that receives more sunlight.
Pine trees can actually be rather sensitive to different types of pollution. In most circumstances the two kinds of pollution you’re going to want to be on the lookout for are air pollution and water pollution.
Your pine tree might be exposed to air pollution if you live in an area that experiences a lot of road traffic (for example, if you live near a busy highway or in a city with a lot of smog).
You should also be aware of the potential for water pollution. This type of pollution is less of a concern in rural areas, but if you live in an urban area that gets a lot of residential or industrial runoff during rainstorms it’s possible that the water your pine tree absorbs during these wet periods could contain chemicals that might be harmful to the tree’s health.
While there is little you can do about air pollution, any concerns about water pollution can be addressed by ensuring that polluted runoff is redirected away from your pine tree as much as possible.
Pine trees typically fall victim to a wide variety of different pests, including (but not limited to) weevils, borers, and aphids. Rodents can also nest in or near pine trees but typically won’t cause significant damage.
As mentioned previously, the easiest way to help prevent pest damage in your pine trees is to make sure your trees are getting enough sun and water to remain healthy; pine trees are usually capable of fighting back against most pests on their own as long as they are in good condition and aren’t suffering from any other detrimental issues.
That being said, it’s still a good idea to periodically inspect your pine trees for discoloration or damage; if you see anything out of the ordinary, it could be a sign that your pine tree needs additional help.
If you aren’t able to diagnose the issue on your own, please don’t hesitate to contact a local expert (such as an arborist or pest consultant.)
If it’s time for your pine tree to go, take a peak at our guide on the reasons to cut down you pine tree – pests are one of the most common issues!
Drought & Overwatering
As we mentioned already, pine trees (especially young or recently planted trees that have not yet developed full root systems) need to get enough water to remain healthy and grow to their full potential.
Pine trees are particularly vulnerable during periods of drought; in some situations, drought can even cause pine trees to become diseased and in turn susceptible to infestation from harmful insects. So, if you are living in a region that is going through a drought, make sure you check on your pine trees frequently to ensure they are receiving enough water to remain healthy.
At the other end of the watering spectrum, there is also the issue of overwatering. While pine trees do need plenty of water, it’s important that they not receive too much. As mentioned earlier, your pine trees should be planted in well-draining soil; your pine trees should never be sitting in boggy or constantly soaked soil since this could potentially lead to root rot and other problems.
Quick Recap!
All in all, planting and caring for a pine tree is very straightforward as long as you have an understanding of what these trees need in order to grow and thrive.
To summarize, key tips to remember are:
- Pick the right pine tree for your region
- Most pine trees need full sun and plenty of space to grow
- Keep your trees well-watered without overwatering
- Use fertilizer as desired to encourage more robust foliage growth
- Monitor your trees carefully for any discoloration or damage
- When in doubt, consult with an expert
Happy pine Tree Journey! If you have some pine tree wood, take a look at what do with fallen pine trees here!
Aguadé, D., Poyatos, R., Gómez, M., Oliva, J., & Martínez-Vilalta, J. (2015, February 27). Role of defoliation and root rot pathogen infection in driving the mode of drought-related physiological decline in Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.). OUP Academic.
Klutsch, J. G., Shamoun, S. F., & Erbilgin, N. (n.d.). Drought stress leads to systemic induced susceptibility to a nectrotrophic fungus associated with mountain pine beetle in pinus banksiana seedlings. PLOS ONE.
Teskey, R. O., Gholz, H. L., & Cropper, W. P. (1994, November 1). Influence of climate and fertilization on net photosynthesis of mature slash pine. OUP Academic.
Trees and storms. Purdue Extension Forestry & Natural Resources. (2016, June 23). Retrieved September 4, 2022, from

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