8 reasons to cut down your palm tree (and when to do it)

8 Reasons To Cut Down Your Palm Tree (And When To Do It)

You may love your palm tree— adore it even. But there may have also been a time or two you’ve considered removing it. If you’ve found yourself wondering if you should cut down your palm tree, you aren’t alone. You should cut down your palm tree if it has insect infestations, is too large, has…

9 things palm trees are good for and why they’re important

9 Things Palm Trees Are Good For And Why They’re Important

Palm trees are a common tree in tropical and subtropical climates, but what do you know about them as a resource? If you want to learn what palm trees are good for and why those things are important, let’s start with the basics. Palm trees can produce oil, lumber, woven materials, multiple food sources, drinks,…

12 trees that can grow in the desert (and how they do it)
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12 Trees That Can Grow In The Desert (And How They Do It)

When deciding which tree to grow, you want to think about what might fit best in your environment. For example, if you live in the desert, you’ll want to think about trees that can grow in the desert. Which trees might grow best in a dry environment? Can trees grow in deserts? Trees that grow…

10 best steps for transporting palm trees (and how to do it)

10 Best Steps For Transporting Palm Trees (And How To Do It)

Looking around your yard, you might consider planting a palm tree in order to brighten your outdoor aesthetic. Or, you might ponder transplanting a palm tree to a different location in your yard for a practical purpose. Either way, these musings lead to a question: how do folks transport and plant a palm tree in…

Here’s why you can’t grow tropical palm trees in new york

Here’s Why You Can’t Grow Tropical Palm Trees In New York

When you think of tropical palm trees you probably think about warm, tropical climates that you spend your vacation in. But believe it or not, some palm trees can withstand temperatures below freezing! But some states are just too cold. Most tropical palm trees cannot grow in New York. The cold temperatures, high winds, and…

5 reasons new orleans has palm trees (plus growing tips)

5 Reasons New Orleans Has Palm Trees (Plus Growing Tips)

As you are probably aware, you cannot find trees like palm trees in all locations. Just like how a coniferous evergreen tree will not grow successfully in the desert of Arizona, one will not have much luck finding a palm tree in the wilderness of Montana.  New Orleans is a suitable environment for palm trees…