Here’s how long it takes to grow an avocado tree (timeline)

Here’s How Long It Takes To Grow An Avocado Tree (Timeline)

Avocado trees are long-lived trees capable of providing more benefits than just their fruit- the avocado. If you are thinking about planting a tree, an avocado tree might be at the top of your list, but how long will it take to grow an avocado tree? It takes avocado trees planted as saplings approximately 3…

10 best steps for transporting palm trees (and how to do it)

10 Best Steps For Transporting Palm Trees (And How To Do It)

Looking around your yard, you might consider planting a palm tree in order to brighten your outdoor aesthetic. Or, you might ponder transplanting a palm tree to a different location in your yard for a practical purpose. Either way, these musings lead to a question: how do folks transport and plant a palm tree in…

5 reasons not to eat olives straight from the tree 

5 Reasons Not To Eat Olives Straight From The Tree 

You see olives lining the grocery shelves in glass jars, cans, and often several varieties arranged beautifully in the salad bar. But raw, unprocessed olives seem to be missing from the produce section. This seems to beg the question, can you eat a raw olive straight from the tree? You can eat an olive straight…

How many leaves are on a full grown oak tree? Leaf math

How Many Leaves Are On A Full Grown Oak Tree? Leaf Math

When oaks trees are fully covered in leaves, you may wonder just how many leaves they have. They grow quite old, sometimes over 100 years easily and, some species over 1000. Let’s answer the question of how many leaves are on a full grown oak tree and more amazing facts.   A full grown oak tree…