How many trees are cut down for one piece of paper?

How Many Trees Are Cut Down For One Piece Of Paper?

Journals, notebooks for school, official documents, dictionaries, novels, handwritten notes; paper is everywhere in our lives. Even as technology becomes the norm, we see paper products everywhere we go. One tree makes over 8,000 pieces of paper while approximately 1/500th of a tree is cut down for every piece of paper. Americans use over 850,000,000 pieces…

13 tips for planting a fig tree (plant and soil guide)

13 Tips For Planting A Fig Tree (Plant And Soil Guide)

Fig trees can provide deliciously sweet fruit, but they require some tender loving care to get them established. There are over 750 species of fig trees, most of which are tropical and subtropical in distribution around the globe. It will surprise you to learn many backyard growers can grow fig trees, even if you do…

4 maple trees that produce the most helicopter seeds

4 Maple Trees That Produce The Most Helicopter Seeds

You may have heard of whirlybirds, or maybe whirlygigs. Perhaps you know them as samaras, but helicopter seeds might just be the most common name for the fruit that falls from a maple tree. These flying seeds whirl to the ground in a beautiful spectacle, but how many maple trees produce them, you might ask?…

Red oak vs. White oak tree growth rate & key differences

Red Oak vs. White Oak Tree Growth Rate & Key Differences

Red oak, white oak, which oak? Oak trees may all seem the same, but there are differences between them that are worth knowing of. Their growth rate, maximum size, bark and leaf color, and adaptability are some things to consider when planting an oak.  In truth, white oak trees have grey bark that tends to…

Oak tree struck by lightning? What happens & how to save it

Oak Tree Struck By Lightning? What Happens & How To Save It

Lightning striking your oak tree can be a rather interesting experience. When it happens and lightning actually does strike your oak tree, there are a few reasons why, and several things you can do in order to save your oak tree. Oak trees are taller than most trees and are more likely to get struck…

Best time to trim oak trees + trimming calendar and tips

Best Time To Trim Oak Trees + Trimming Calendar And Tips

Today we’re talking about the best time to trim oak trees. Did you know trimming oak trees at certain times can be detrimental to your tree? Oak trees respond best to trimming in the winter and early spring. Dates between October 1st and April 1st will usually provide optimal oak tree trimming conditions. This is…

What’s wrong with my oak tree? 10 most common oak diseases

What’s Wrong With My Oak Tree? 10 Most Common Oak Diseases

Oak trees are one of the most popular trees in the world. Most commonly known for their height (often growing between 100 to 150 feet) and their adaptability, oaks are not immune to all threats.  The most common oak tree diseases are oak leaf blister, armillaria root rot anthracnose, oak wilt, bacterial leaf scorch, powdery…