10 slowest burning firewoods (and how long they last)

10 Slowest Burning Firewoods (And How Long They Last)

When you start a fire, whether it’s in a fireplace, campfire, or for your wood-burning stove, the last thing you want is to have to add more wood constantly because it burns up too fast. A wood burning fire should be relaxing, long-lasting, and provide plenty of heat. So, which are the slowest burning firewoods…

6 deciduous trees that keep their leaves during winter

6 Deciduous Trees That Keep Their Leaves During Winter

Deciduous trees are typically described as ‘trees that lose their leaves during the winter months.’ But did you know some deciduous trees keep their leaves during the winter? Most deciduous trees either lose all or most of their leaves during the winter. In extreme cases, certain deciduous trees keep all of their leaves during the…

7 trees that grow in freshwater (and why they prefer it)

7 Trees That Grow In Freshwater (And Why They Prefer It)

Freshwater ecosystems contain some of the most diverse plant and animal life. Every organism has adapted to a life filled with water to one degree or another. Trees, in particular, have an interesting relationship with freshwater Trees that grow in freshwater are typically located in swamps. Their seed dispersal is often dependent on water levels,…

10 silver oak tree uses (and what to do with yours)

10 Silver Oak Tree Uses (And What To Do With Yours)

A tall and stately tree, silver oaks can grow over 100 feet tall with a 30-foot spread of nice cool shade. They thrive in moderately dry, tropical climates such as Florida and California. But silver oak trees have more uses than just a pretty shade tree. Silver oak trees, also called silk, silky, and southern…

6 reasons why people cut down trees (deforestation guide)

6 Reasons Why People Cut Down Trees (Deforestation Guide)

Deforestation is a common practice all over the world and is directly related to the need we have for wood-based resources. That’s why it can be tough to ask the question why when thinking about this practice. Something so common is easy to overlook, but have you thought about why people cut down trees? Trees are cut…

3 elm vs. Oak differences and which tree is harder 
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3 Elm Vs. Oak Differences And Which Tree Is Harder 

Oak and elm trees are both picturesque and can be found in landscapes all across the United States. If you’re choosing between an oak and an elm tree for landscaping or building material, it is important to know their distinctions so you can pick between the everlasting elm vs. oak differences. Elm trees grow taller,…