Here’s why you can’t grow tropical palm trees in new york

Here’s Why You Can’t Grow Tropical Palm Trees In New York

When you think of tropical palm trees you probably think about warm, tropical climates that you spend your vacation in. But believe it or not, some palm trees can withstand temperatures below freezing! But some states are just too cold. Most tropical palm trees cannot grow in New York. The cold temperatures, high winds, and…

Moss on your oak tree: identification and removal guide

Moss on Your Oak Tree: Identification and Removal Guide

That extra green, drapey stuff hanging all over your oak trees, well, that’s moss. Although, based on personal preference, by something you like the look of or don’t, moss on your oak tree indeed doesn’t mean too much and usually doesn’t do much harm to your tree.  Moss is a nonvascular flowering plant, an epiphyte…

6 simple tips to prevent and remove oak tree fungus

6 Simple Tips To Prevent And Remove Oak Tree Fungus

There are a lot of things to love about oak trees. They are tall, beautiful, and very hardy. They can even house hundreds of different species of birds, insects, and other critters. Unfortunately, oak trees can also house many harmful or destructive varieties of fungi.  To prevent fungus from affecting your oak tree, apply mulch,…

20 plants not to grow under a black walnut tree
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20 Plants Not To Grow Under A Black Walnut Tree

Black walnut trees are an excellent choice for a shade tree and are found in many landscapes and parks throughout the United States. While these trees have some positive attributes like shade, fruit for wildlife, and the possibility of wood harvesting profits, black walnuts come with a curse: juglone. Juglone is a natural toxin produced…

4 reasons why beavers cut down trees (and how they do it)

4 Reasons Why Beavers Cut Down Trees (And How They Do It)

You have heard of the popular tongue-twister: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, but let’s change it to beavers and ask ‘why.’ If you are looking for some digestible, but true, reasons why and how beavers cut down trees, this is the piece for you!  Beavers cut down…

4 reasons to cut down your sycamore tree (and when to do it)

4 Reasons To Cut Down Your Sycamore Tree (And When To Do It)

Sycamore trees provide shade on bright summer days, but these trees may cause more problems than they solve. However, sycamore trees might not be as harmless as you once thought. You may even need to cut down your sycamore tree. You should cut down your sycamore tree if it is too large, attracting pests, growing…

3 reasons why cheetahs climb trees (and how they do it)

3 Reasons Why Cheetahs Climb Trees (And How They Do It)

Greyhounds of the desert, perhaps better known as cheetahs, are large cats native to the African continent. These large cats are notably fast and physically unique. When cheetahs are smaller, younger, and more agile, they use trees as a playground. They also use tree climbing for communication, as well as marking their territory. While marking…

9 different animals and insects that live in trees

9 Different Animals And Insects That Live In Trees

As you probably are aware, trees can provide food, nice views, and shelter. If you’re wondering how the shelter comes into play, you may want to know about the kinds of critters living your trees.  Some of the most common animals and insects you will find living in trees are squirrels, geckos, raccoons, skunks, birds,…