5 best places to plant a walnut tree (and how to do it)

5 Best Places To Plant A Walnut Tree (And How To Do It)

Walnut trees are well-known for their tasty fruit – the walnut! These trees are excellent ornamental trees that provide plenty of shade and will attract wildlife. If you’re thinking about planting one, you may be wondering where the best place to plant a walnut trees is? The most common walnut trees include the black walnut…

9 places air plants love to be planted (indoor and outdoor)

9 Places Air Plants Love To Be Planted (Indoor And Outdoor)

Air plants are definitely gaining popularity, especially among those born without a green thumb! These interesting plants do not need a pot or soil to grow, getting all their nutrients from the air. So, where exactly do you plant an air plant that doesn’t need soil? Indoors, air plants love to be planted near a…