What’s wrong with my oak tree? 10 most common oak diseases

What’s Wrong With My Oak Tree? 10 Most Common Oak Diseases

Oak trees are one of the most popular trees in the world. Most commonly known for their height (often growing between 100 to 150 feet) and their adaptability, oaks are not immune to all threats.  The most common oak tree diseases are oak leaf blister, armillaria root rot anthracnose, oak wilt, bacterial leaf scorch, powdery…

7 easy ways to get rid of oakworms on your tree
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7 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Oakworms on Your Tree

There’s a good chance that if you have a beautiful oak tree in your back or front yard, you are not the only one enjoying it. Maintaining the health of your oak tree is always the most important, and sometimes that means getting rid of those unwanted guests, like oakworms! In truth, oakworms eat the newly sprouted…

How big do oak tree leaves get? Leaf identification

How Big Do Oak Tree Leaves Get? Leaf Identification

Identifying plants by their characteristics is a complex and highly technical task. It takes lots of plant knowledge and the ability to do research and readings on different plant characteristics. Oak trees, however, can be primarily identified by their leaves. Most oak trees have large lobed leaves with pointed tips or bristles near the ends….

Should you plant an oak tree in your backyard? Pros & cons

Should You Plant An Oak Tree in Your Backyard? Pros & Cons

Oak trees are some of the most beautiful and most common trees that are grown throughout the United States. So vast, so beautiful, and truly a symbol of strength and endurance, oak trees are not known specifically for their size but are sure enough to always make a statement. In truth, oak trees should be planted anywhere…

9 trees that can damage your foundation (& how to fix)
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9 Trees That Can Damage Your Foundation (& How To Fix)

Nothing makes a hike in the woods or a walk in the park quite as nice as the beautiful landscape dotted with towering trees. Trees provide us with shade, oxygen, air purification, and they’re just nice to look at, especially in the fall! But, what we might not realize is that much of the tree…

Top 5 trees most likely to get struck by lightning
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Top 5 Trees Most Likely to Get Struck by Lightning

Lightning stuns us into silence. It is a powerful force of nature that can have different effects on the environment. It can provide nitrogen for the soil, and it can shatter trees into splintery pieces. So, which trees are most likely to get struck by lightning? In truth, tall trees like pine and oak trees…

14 dirtiest & messiest trees to not plant in your yard
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14 Dirtiest & Messiest Trees To Not Plant In Your Yard

Chances are, you do not enjoy raking your yard (who does?) So when planning your landscaping, research trees that produce a lower mess. Trees that produce less mess are important for you as you will not be raking, cleaning pollen off your car, or cleaning your gutters often. In truth, the dirtiest and messiest trees…

4 reasons why squirrels eat acorns (& their favorite type)

4 Reasons Why Squirrels Eat Acorns (& Their Favorite Type)

Acorns and squirrels just seem to go together, but do you know much about acorns themselves? There are a few good reasons that squirrels eat these particular nuts, and they even have a specific way to eat them. Acorns are a great source of nutrients for both red and grey squirrels. Many squirrels prefer white…