Here’s why birch trees are so messy (yard cleaning tips)

Here’s Why Birch Trees Are So Messy (Yard Cleaning Tips)

Birch trees are a very popular choice for landowners, especially since they make great ornamental trees. They can be quite messy, though, thanks to several natural traits that lead to some sticky situations. No worries, though, there are many solutions to keep your yard clean in the wake of a birch tree! Birch trees produce…

Full pine tree timeline (how long they take to grow)

Full Pine Tree Timeline (How Long They Take To Grow)

Pine trees are a classic North American plant that even those unfamiliar with tree names, one can quickly identify. Pines hold a special place in our hearts due to family time spent decorating the Christmas tree and summertime campouts in the mountains. Why wouldn’t you want to grow one of your very own? Pine trees…

8 reasons to cut down your palm tree (and when to do it)

8 Reasons To Cut Down Your Palm Tree (And When To Do It)

You may love your palm tree— adore it even. But there may have also been a time or two you’ve considered removing it. If you’ve found yourself wondering if you should cut down your palm tree, you aren’t alone. You should cut down your palm tree if it has insect infestations, is too large, has…

How much water chestnut trees need (watering schedule)

How Much Water Chestnut Trees Need (Watering Schedule)

Chestnut trees are quickly disappearing in the US because of chestnut blight, but there are still a few wild stands around and you can also plant chestnut trees in your yard. If you have a chestnut tree or are planning on planting one, you may wonder how much water they need. Chestnut seedlings need around…

Full olive tree watering guide (indoor and outdoor)

Full Olive Tree Watering Guide (Indoor And Outdoor)

Somewhere on the small island of Crete lies a 2,000-year-old olive tree that survived the Pompeii volcanic eruption in AD79 and the fall of Rome AD64. Can you imagine the resilience required to survive a volcanic eruption!? Young or recently planted outside olive trees should be watered consistently to ensure the tree gets established. As…

10 best spruce trees to plant (pros and cons of major types)

10 Best Spruce Trees To Plant (Pros And Cons Of Major Types)

When winter rolls around, spruce trees become the centerpiece of our yards with their green needles that stand out bright against the white snow. These cold-climate natives will make a great addition to your yard and with so many varieties, you’re sure to find a spruce tree that fits your needs. Some of the best…

8 reasons to cut down your spruce tree (and when to do it)

8 Reasons To Cut Down Your Spruce Tree (And When To Do It)

If you have any variety of spruce trees in your yard, you may have thought of cutting it down at one point or another. That’s okay, like many other trees, sometimes the maintenance gets to be too much or you have concerns. You aren’t alone in this consideration. Unsure of whether this is the right…

9 things palm trees are good for and why they’re important

9 Things Palm Trees Are Good For And Why They’re Important

Palm trees are a common tree in tropical and subtropical climates, but what do you know about them as a resource? If you want to learn what palm trees are good for and why those things are important, let’s start with the basics. Palm trees can produce oil, lumber, woven materials, multiple food sources, drinks,…

Here’s how long air plants can actually go without water

Here’s How Long Air Plants Can Actually Go Without Water

Air plants are becoming more and more popular in the household. They require no soil and little care, making them a hassle-free plant. However, if you’re going on vacation and need to leave your air plants behind, you may be wondering how long they can go without water? Most air plants will survive up to…