How much sunlight do oak trees need? 4 planting tips

How Much Sunlight Do Oak Trees Need? 4 Planting Tips

Oak trees are one of the most common species of deciduous tree, not to mention that they top the list of most well-known trees. Their signature fruit, the acorn, provides food for wildlife while their leaves spread to offer cover from the weather of any sort.  Oak trees grow more efficiently in direct sunlight. Oak…

4 ways that trees survive the winter (and how they do it)
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4 Ways That Trees Survive The Winter (And How They Do It)

As you’ve probably seen at some point in your life, trees do not disappear in the same way that flowers or flora might in the winter. They may lose their leaves, but there is a chance that does not even happen if the tree is an evergreen. So, how do deciduous trees survive the winter?…

9 amazing fallen acorn uses (and what to do with them)

9 Amazing Fallen Acorn Uses (And What to Do With Them)

With an endless supply available from healthy oak trees, acorns symbolize prosperity and youthfulness – and it’s no wonder why they’ve become a go-to symbol of fall days to come. Acorns may be the first step in growing a 100-foot oak tree, but that’s not all you can use them for!  In truth, fallen acorns are incredibly…

9 simple tips to get rid of caterpillars on your oak tree

9 Simple Tips to Get Rid of Caterpillars on Your Oak Tree

We all love those tall, mighty oak trees. They truly are a sight to see, and they are not only beautiful but bountiful and do so much for our environment. But the truth is – we’re not the only living thing that loves them. Caterpillars absolutely adore oak trees, along with wildlife and insects –…

5 ways oak trees cause damage (and how to prevent them)

5 Ways Oak Trees Cause Damage (and How to Prevent Them)

The mighty oak tree is one of the most well-known and sought-after trees for the yard. They provide shade for backyard barbecues, shelter, and food for woodland critters, and some turn beautiful colors in the fall. But what about the downsides of an oak tree? In what different ways can oak trees cause damage? Some…

6 different trees that keep their leaves all year

6 Different Trees That Keep Their Leaves All Year

Although the changing of seasons is an expected and yearly occasion in many areas, it can be refreshing that not all trees lose their leaves in the cold winter months. There are certain trees that keep their foliage, which will remain green, all year round.  Trees known as evergreens keep their leaves, called needles, all…

9 reasons why white oak is better firewood than red oak
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9 Reasons Why White Oak Is Better Firewood Than Red Oak

Grab your marshmallows – because there is nothing better than relaxing by a toasty fire. Whether it’s by a campfire or by a fireplace, sitting by a fire is a time to relax and unwind and embrace the cozy feeling that it brings. But there are some things that will make this fire moment the best…